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5 Simple Ways to Earn Passive Income with Ethereum

Should I let you in on a secret? When the market is unfavorable, you can still earn passively with Ethereum. The bearish market doesn’t have to ruin your investment. And while HODLing is the most popular passive way to make some profit off ETH, there are more options to opt for! 

With the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, many ways to earn with your Ethereum investment have emerged! Here are five simple ways to earn passive income with Ethereum: 

  1. Staking 
  2. Yield farming 
  3. Lending 
  4. HODLing 
  5. Liquidity mining

Five Ways to Make Money Online Passively with Ethereum

1. Staking 

Ethereum Staking

If you are familiar with crypto, you have heard of stake several times. Staking is locking your crypto for a period to win extra rewards. Locked-up Ethereum helps validate transactions and secure the network. In return, the investors get extra ETH as a reward.  

However, Ethereum staking can be over the top for amateurs. You need at least 32 ETH staked on the ETH POS Blockchain to qualify for staking and run on a full validator node. But don’t fret; you can still stake your Eth. If you don’t have up to 32 ETH, platforms like Kraken and Rocket Pool let you stake with what you have and run a partial node. 

While the Dapps are perfect for beginners, they charge a fee for the extras that accrue during staking. 10% is massive in crypto terms. But the good news is that you don’t need 32 ETH to start. Once you earn via staking, you can sell your Ethereum using over-the-counter platforms like Breet App. With Breet, speed and convenience are guaranteed. Plus, you get favorable exchange rates on your deposits. 

2. Yield Farming 

Yield Farming is an exciting way to make money online passively with Ethereum Blockchain. How Yield farming works is simple: You lend Ethereum to liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and Sushiswap.

Liquidity pools give users the ability to trade various tokens. Often, this service requires users to pay fees, which is how your profit gets to you. The liquidity pool split the fees among those who contributed. The rewards pile up to make substantial amounts of rewards. However, your profit depends on how much Ethereum you contribute. 

Note: This passive income strategy is relatively new and comes with concerns. It can be less profitable when Ethereum is highly volatile. This phenomenon is impermanent loss. When the price fluctuates rapidly, you risk losing a lot of profit since you don’t hold your coins. 

3. Lending 

Even though lending shares similarities with yield farming, they are different. Lending is offering your Ethereum to borrowers, and in return, they pay back with interest in fiat currency or crypto. You can lend your Ethereum through decentralized and centralized exchanges. 

Centralized exchanges handle all the technical issues like security, storage, and bandwidth authentication. Plus, they offer way higher interest rates than decentralized exchanges would. But they are more prone to hacks and other cyber attacks. Alternatively, decentralized exchanges allow users to tweak the rates for the most profit. However, it is often complex to use and offers lower interest rates. 

4. Hodl 

Hodl, or hold, is the art of holding onto your crypto for extended periods. If an investor is optimistic that Ethereum will rise, he/she can hold it. When the price increases, he/she sells his Ether for profit. 

HODLing is a long-term strategy; hence, you don’t get your profit immediately. However, if the price rises, you can bag significant gains. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the market as you are in for the longer run. 

Note: Ethereum has a lot of use cases that make it relevant in the crypto space. Hence, the coin is more likely to rise than fall. Nevertheless, I advise you to work with funds you can afford to lose. 

5. Liquidity Mining 

Before DeFi, investors had to learn to day trade or HODLing to make any profits off crypto. Thanks to DeFi, you can make money passively. One of the many ways to do this is Liquidity mining.  

Liquidity mining and yield farming may share some similarities but are also very different.  Liquidity mining is famous for its ability to provide the most returns of the two. It works on a similar passive income model, however. Investors offer their Ether to a decentralized exchange. These exchanges offer users Ether with a fee, typically around 0.3%. The exchange provides rewards based on the Ether you contributed.

This option is more advanced than others on our list. Before liquidity mining, you must understand decentralized finance and liquidity. You also need a well-rounded idea of the risk you are putting in. Knowing about impermanent loss and other vulnerabilities helps gauge your risk. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Passive Income with Ethereum

What’s the Least Amount I Can Stake in ETH?

The least Ethereum balance needed to stake is 32 ETH. However, Dapps (Decentralised applications) allows people with limited capital to stake less Ethereum for 10% of their profits. 

Is ETH a good choice for generating passive income? 

Yes. You can generate a lot of profit on passive income models with Ethereum. You can stake with the help of Dapps, go into yield farming, or Hodl. Ethereum is a very versatile cryptocurrency with lots of use cases. However, you should know that investing in cryptocurrencies comes with its risks. Hence, only invest what you can afford to lose. 

Where Can I Sell My ETH? 

The over-the-counter method is recommended for beginners and experts alike. And the top choice is Breet. The over-the-counter platform is the most effective and fastest way to sell Ethereum for cash in Ghana and Nigeria.

Where can I stake and lend ETH?

Platforms like XETA Genesis, Nexo, Bybit, and Lido offer staking opportunities. Similarly, you can lend your ETH on decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap, Sushiswap, Cake Defi, and Block Fi. 

How Much Profit Can I Make Yield Farming?

Yield farming offers some of the highest profits of any passive income model. However, the amount of your returns often depends on how much you put in the liquidity pool. The more Ethereum you offer, the more your profit. However, you should note that your money can be lost. Only invest what you can afford to lose. 


The rise of decentralised finance offers more options regarding earning with cryptocurrency. You can make Ether without checking charts or stress over day trading. You have passive money-making opportunities with staking, yield farming, and HODLing.

You only need to buy Ether from reliable crypto exchanges like Binance and Bybit. And when it is time to reap your profits, sell your ETH on Breet. With the Breet app, ETH to cash trades are smooth and quick. You get your money immediately!

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